Review of The Stemming Principle

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The Stemming Principle
George J. Mardo
Kit-Torb Publishing Co
ISBN:  978-0-9815555-2-2
241 Pages (Includes front and back matter)

It is my pleasure to recommend another book by author George Mardo—The  Stemming Principle. Anyone reading his books will be immediately aware that George Mardo champions everything to do with family—and particularly the joy which erupts from life simply lived with other family.  His writings breathe fresh life into those moments which are ill afforded much consideration.  Having come to expect a great interplay about family in Mardo’s works, The Stemming Principle does not disappoint.
The depth Mardo goes to make his characters brim with life is exceptional.  True dialogue is hard to come by in some many works of fiction – Mardo is to be commended for his effort.  Mardo does not merely spin an idle tale with this work, he also dons the philosopher’s hat to discuss the ideology behind The Stemming Principle.  Simply stated, all actions stem from a substance.  Hence, everything that life can throw at an individual has a purpose and should inform meaning in the individual’s life.
This work is divided into two sections:  The first starts with a dialogue between the Creator and his creation in which the Creator describes how he embedded human nature into his creation.  The second section is The Epilogue where the author writes a thorough account of the stemming principle in action between a man named John and his granddaughter, Amy.  Their lives are enveloped in a shared spiritual vision neither knew the other had experienced.
As I read the book, I found myself particularly drawn to the philosophical discussion around morality, religion, and the law. In Mardo’s view, a controlled philosophy is a rational study of truth; such a study will demonstrate quite readily that mankind is imbued with a responsibility to turn ethereal theory into practical action.  Actions should be purposeful since that is the intention for which mankind was created. As a Christian, I find solace in the eloquently demonstrated truth: God chooses simplicity.  It is as if Mardo is marching to the same drum as Longfellow when he purports: In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.  To invoke a higher principle than a quote of an American poet and educator, Mardo’s idea echoes the words of St. Paul in his first letter to the church at Corinth—But God chose what the world thinks foolish to shame the wise, and God chose what the world thinks weak to shame the strong. (1 Cor 1:27)
This author evidences his strong patriotism for America and challenges her citizens to live a life worthy of the high calling which the Creator has placed upon them.  America is in a unique place in this world to use her resources for the purveying of good upon all mankind.  From such a divine institution, mankind should realize that all cultures have something to offer each other.  With that in mind, laws should be crafted to represent and respect difference and undergird the implied duty mankind has for each other.
The last portion of this book shows events unfolding in the life of John, a quiet man who falls into a convenient routine at a local bar to deal with life after retirement.  In this bar, he finds a companion and develops a strong relationship with his granddaughter, Amy, who comes to visit him there after she grows up.
In the rest of the book, Mardo does what few authors are good at: he weaves an interesting story around the seemingly mundane events of John’s life.  Eventually, the reader is brought full circle: he sees all events are substances which stem from an action—no matter how inconsequential they seem at the time.
If you’re looking for a refreshing read which champions the family and gives you some philosophical morsels to digest…this book is for you.


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