Political Season - a Review of No He Can't
A disclaimer is in order: I did not vote for President Barack Obama. To me it is very sad that race became the prevailing reason to vote for an inexperienced candidate for one of the most powerful political positions in the world.
It has been my experience that religion and politics bring out the truest nature of people. To that end, I have opinions about the political landscape but will encapsulate them in the phrase, "I am a conservative Republican." This does not mean that I endorse everything the Republican party does, or says. It does not mean that I vote Republican straight across the board. I try to examine the issues, research the candidates or policies, and then vote my conscience in light of what I feel is best for America. I maintain that all Americans have an obligation to utilize the political process to keep the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Kevin McCullough's book, No He Can't found its way into my life and I appreciate the candid analysis of Barack Obama's presidency. My review is enclosed. Feel free to make comments below.
No He Can’t: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change [Hardcover]
See more of Kevin McCullough at http://kevinmccullough.townhall.com/columnists/
It has been my experience that religion and politics bring out the truest nature of people. To that end, I have opinions about the political landscape but will encapsulate them in the phrase, "I am a conservative Republican." This does not mean that I endorse everything the Republican party does, or says. It does not mean that I vote Republican straight across the board. I try to examine the issues, research the candidates or policies, and then vote my conscience in light of what I feel is best for America. I maintain that all Americans have an obligation to utilize the political process to keep the government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."
Kevin McCullough's book, No He Can't found its way into my life and I appreciate the candid analysis of Barack Obama's presidency. My review is enclosed. Feel free to make comments below.
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Available at Amazon |
by Kevin McCullough
256 pages, $19.99
ISBN-13: 978-1595553386

Review by Steven King, MBA, MEd
Without a doubt, the political landscape invokes extremely strong, passionate arguments. This is precisely the way America should be – a country that allows its citizens to question openly and scrutinize those who have been elected into public office. Too often the foibles of those hungry for power have attempted to diminish the reality established by the U.S. Constitution. To wit, the government is supposed to be “…of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Kevin McCullough, the nationally syndicated host of "The Kevin McCullough Show" has written a scathing indictment of Barack Obama’s presidency. His book, No He Can’t traces the first two years of the president’s term through the lens of economic degradation and “personal rights” erosion. Admittedly, the President inherited a tricky economic landscape from which to navigate. All Americans should have figured out how politics is played by now: current administration blames former administration for everything – overpromise what you can do and then under-deliver. Sadly, this is exactly what Obama has done: promise no new taxes but maneuver the economy in such a way to create a nation of fiscal dependents while attempting to restructure the essence of the economy in a “redistribution of wealth.”
No matter how you dress it up, the overt socialism is quite evident.
The book is written in a positive tone where McCullough develops his narrative by explaining what Obama promised, how he’s performed, and then providing “a bit of clarity” about each subject. It is refreshing that the author does seek to merely bash the president; rather, he offers cogent analysis of the policies which appear to be changing America into something very different. It seems that Barack Obama’s vision of America is different from most Americans.
Perhaps, Barack Obama’s lack of experience has caught up to him. During the mid-term elections, America sent a strong message to the current administration: if this is your version of change, we are not interested. Until the Constitution is nullified, the American people have a choice. Remember the thought expressed by McCullough again and again – elected officials work for us. When their pursuit of policy strips America of its essence, they should seek employment elsewhere. It is your responsibility to help them “out” of their present occupation.
Being slightly over one year away from a possible re-election, this book is commended to all who want an excellent review of Obama’s first term. Explore bailouts, nationalized health care, and the embracing of America’s enemies in a whole new light. Speak of these things with friends, family, and co-workers as we seek real solutions to the problems facing America. As McCullough would imply, seek clarity as it always trumps unity.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
See more of Kevin McCullough at http://kevinmccullough.townhall.com/columnists/
nice review, very informative, anyway, i just folowed u, pls followed me back..thanks..