Post-May 21
I feel sorry for people like Harold Camping who are sucked into the vortex of setting dates for the end of time - when the Bible seems to clearly dispel such nonsense. Sadly, this behavior will only continue. Now, as you are probably aware, Mr. Camping has indicated that God has spared humanity this judgement but will proceed with destroying the earth on October 21, 2011.
What is the proper response? To pray for him and those like him. My heart breaks for those who have been misguided and the lives that have been irreparably harmed by this maniacal behavior.
In light of the quackery that surrounds "End Times" mania, I am sharing a review I wrote of one of John Hagee's books. Feel free to post a comment below:
Pre-tribulationists are waiting for the Rapture that will whisk the obedient Church out of the ultimate quagmire. Until then, Hagee is quick to point out that the Bible demonstrates God as able and willing to take care of his own. For instance, when the nation of Israel was being formed as slaves in Egypt, God’s provision is apparent regardless of the darkest of plagues.
Instead of developing this theologically, Hagee turns his analysis into a quasi investment strategy. The contention is held forth that prosperity is a choice and Christians can profit even in the darkest days. Noah is likened to a man with “insider information” who skillfully manipulated his task into an opportunity to build wealth. Never mind that God gave Noah specific marching orders when constructing the ark.
Read this book if you would like a good development of our economic crisis and discussion of possible future events. Rip out the last section, however, since worthless money will be worthless for everyone – including Christians.
What is the proper response? To pray for him and those like him. My heart breaks for those who have been misguided and the lives that have been irreparably harmed by this maniacal behavior.
In light of the quackery that surrounds "End Times" mania, I am sharing a review I wrote of one of John Hagee's books. Feel free to post a comment below:
by John Hagee
144 pages, $10.99
ISBN-13: 978-1599796031

No matter where you turn, the economy springs forth as an ominous topic. Recession, inflation, and depression are words that consistently boom across the airwaves. In Financial Armageddon, John Hagee speaks skillfully to the problem. He weaves an accurate portrait of current instability by alluding to appropriate biblical passages conflated with notable quotations from leading Christian economists. Financial pundits have realized America was barreling ahead to certain economic disaster for almost a decade. Hagee wants Christians to have a game plan for survival.
His analysis of what brought America to the edge of economic collapse parallels discussions by other leading economists. Subprime lending lead to too many unqualified mortgages that caught the banking industry with their pants down. The desire to rid our nation of these toxic assets has increased our national debt since foreign investments have effectively floated our way of life. Too many foreign creditors are realistically beginning to doubt the continued value of the dollar and their eventual withdrawal from our economy will be the death knell of America. Biblically, the backdrop of the Apocalypse indicates an economic world, out-of-control, into which the Antichrist will emerge.
Pre-tribulationists are waiting for the Rapture that will whisk the obedient Church out of the ultimate quagmire. Until then, Hagee is quick to point out that the Bible demonstrates God as able and willing to take care of his own. For instance, when the nation of Israel was being formed as slaves in Egypt, God’s provision is apparent regardless of the darkest of plagues.
Instead of developing this theologically, Hagee turns his analysis into a quasi investment strategy. The contention is held forth that prosperity is a choice and Christians can profit even in the darkest days. Noah is likened to a man with “insider information” who skillfully manipulated his task into an opportunity to build wealth. Never mind that God gave Noah specific marching orders when constructing the ark.
Read this book if you would like a good development of our economic crisis and discussion of possible future events. Rip out the last section, however, since worthless money will be worthless for everyone – including Christians.
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