Excellent Book Recommendation
In light of the world learning of Osama Bin Laden's demise, I thought I would provide an endorsement of an excellent work entitled The Mission, The Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander. Pete Blaber portrays lessons learned from military gaffes while being on the hunt for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. I would like to have seen more insights into the reality of a delta operator; but alas, operational security possibly precludes this.
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Bringing the wisdom of a retired Army colonel, Pete Blaber accentuates what is typically wrong of the military and/or business: people higher in the pecking order seek to make decisions without the requisite tacit knowledge to make them effective. Blaber’s recommendation: always listen to the man on the ground. For Blaber, this meant his commando teams had better intelligence to act upon since they were in the thick of it: instead, his superiors kept hamstringing him. It’s sadly true of most businesses – but is especially revealed in the military - position implies authority. Even when those who make empty decisions can get people killed.
This book is tremendously written and is highly commended for anyone aspiring to leadership. Always consider:
The Mission: what are you trying to accomplish and what is the best way to go about it?
The Men: make sure your decisions help those below you – not hamstring them.
Me: put yourself last. This one idea needs to be read, and re-read, to the Me-only generation that is eking its way into positions of power.
Such a mantra is applicable across a wide variety of domains: business, education, and even ministry. Read and heed: you’ll be a better leader if you do.
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