Book Review: "Get Out of That Pit" by Beth Moore

Who has not experienced living life and suddenly feeling beat down by one’s circumstances? The feeling that your feet are stuck in miry clay, and, no matter what your effort you never break free. You feel as if you have fallen into a pit and cannot get out. There is no comfort in the pit; rather the continual reminder that you are stuck. Into this common reality, Beth Moore’s Get Out of That Pit breaks through with alacrity that is certain to resonate with the sullenest pit dwellers. Her message is one of both hope and deliverance – a way to break free of the pit. Relying upon a recent event of deliverance in the Psalmist’s life, Moore culls her thesis from Psalm 40 [NET]: 1 I relied completely on the Lord, and he turned toward me and heard my cry for help. 2 He lifted me out of the watery pit, out of the slimy mud. He placed my feet on a rock and gave me secure footing. 3 He gave me reason to sing a new song, praising our God. From a biblical expositional point of...